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ASUC Best Practice Awards & Lunch 2016

Following lunch guests were entertained by the broadcaster, writer and Church of England priest, Reverend Richard Coles. These days he is in the quintessentially English village of Finedon, Northamptonshire, where two of his ancestors were also vicars in the 17th century. But his life was very different as, more than a quarter of a century ago, he was the instrumentalist half of pop band The Communards, together with Jimmy Somerville. During the 1980s The Communards had three UK Top 10 hits, including Never Can Say Goodbye and the biggest-selling single of 1986, Don't Leave Me This Way.

The Rev Richard Cole presented this year's ASUC awards which were set up to recognise the work of members in promoting good practice, ensuring high standards of workmanship and the continuing development of its workforce through training.

Basement Guarantee Awards sponsored by MDIS
- Project up to 300k in Value - Winner: Basement Force
- Project over 300k in Value - Winner: Abbey Pynford Geostructures

Defects Insurance Guarantee Awards sponsored by MDIS
- SMALL TURNOVER - Winner: Stress UK (Highly Commended: Goodyer Ltd)
- MEDIUM TURNOVER - Winner: Falcon Structural Repairs (Highly Commended: U&M Group)
- LARGE TURNOVER - Winner: Abbey Pynford Geostructures (Highly Commended: Roger Bullivants)

Training Awards sponsored by W11 Construction
- SMALL TO MEDIUM COMPANY - Winner: U&M Group (Highly Commended: Stress UK)
- LARGE COMPANY - Winner: Falcon Structural Repairs (Highly Commended: Forcia)
- EXTRA LARGE COMPANY - Winner: Roger Bullivant (Highly Commended: Knight Build)

Project of the Year sponsored by Knight Build
- UNDERPINNING AND SUBSIDENCE REPAIR CATEGORY - 0Winner: MJ Rooney for Hereford Square project
- ENGINEERED FOUNDATION SOLUTIONS - Winner: U&M Group for Queens Wall project
- UNDERPINNING AND SUBSIDENCE REPAIR CATEGORY - Winner: W11 Construction for London W12 project

Best Achievement Award sponsored by ASUC
- Winner: Abbey Pynford Geostructures for lifting and moving a listed Smithy

ASUC Executive Director, Rob Withers, was delighted with the number of members and guests who attended the lunch (nearly 100) and the growth of the awards, which this year included a category for projects. He said: 'The awards (which were introduced last year) give us the opportunity to celebrate the hard work of ASUC members in promoting best practice within our sector of the construction industry and reinforce our commitment to improving standard and training.'

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