insert into image_galleries_views (iGalleryId, dViewDate, vViewFromIP) values ('110', '2024-05-03', '') Neil Foundations ensure safe access at Birling Gap cliffs in Sussex - ASUC

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This famous site near Eastbourne is one of the longest stretches of undeveloped coastline on the south coast, where you can enjoy breathtaking sea views from the cliff top then at Birling Gap, go down to the shore for seaside picnics and explore the marine nature reserve.But, due to the rate of coastal erosion, the steps down to the beach at Birling Gap no longer connected and the National Trust required them to be moved.Neil Foundations had carried out the piling for the original steps in 1996 and returned some 20 years later to pile a new platform for the relocated steps to sit on.The planning of the job was intricate and complex.  There were many factors to consider including tidal movements and weather, as the works needed to be carried out in one go in between low and high tide.The rig was carefully craned off the cliff down on to the beach and the company carried out bored piling.   Once complete, the rig was then craned off the beach and back on to dry land and the steps were then installed.


Neil Foundations   

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